How in the world did we get to mid December already? As we come up to the last days before the holidays, we’re also coming up on a little time off. I think we’ve all experienced a break from exercise and know very well the feeling of coming back, especially to the barre in January. Ballet suddenly feels a little foreign, joints creek in your pliés and you need to find your centre again. This can take more or less time depending on what you do, or don’t do, during the break.
Don’t get me wrong, the break is important. But it’s hard to kick the feeling that your going to lose everything you’ve worked so hard for by taking time off. Here’s a look at a few things you can do to help come back into the studio with ease.
Continue moving, but be gentle. Instead of looking at your break as time completely off, keep your body moving, but reduce the intensity and frequency. One of my favourite things to do over the holiday break is an easy barre at home (I use my kitchen counter top), with simple exercises, once or twice a week. I really like to do the Royal Ballet’s 2017 World Ballet Day Company Class barre. I also mix in some yoga a few times throughout the break. I like to keep it as simple as possible.
Change your activity. Take the time off to try a new class. Local yoga and pilates studios will have drop in or trial classes available so you can easily fit this into your schedule. Otherwise, look at online resources. For yoga, I highly recommend Yoga With Adrienne. I especially go back to her Total Body Yoga – Deep Stretch and Yoga Morning Fresh videos. She also does a 30-day Yoga Challenge every January which is wonderful.
Enjoy the holiday food. This is the hardest part, and while I’m not perfect, I’ve learned a few simple guidelines that really help. As with everything, keep in moderation, and choose your food with intention. Be aware of how the food is making you feel, whether that be sleepy, ill or energetic, and stop when you feel full. Personally, this is the best marker for me as I can have up to three meal-based events a day over the holidays. I know – easier said than done. But being attentive to this helps me enjoy the holidays, and not feel like I need to sleep for 2 days afterwards.
Hopefully this gives you a bit of a guideline. In the end, the break is meant for you to slow down, and for your mind and body to rest and recover. Make sure you take some time for yourself over this busy period.
What are your plans to stay in shape over the holidays?