My Focus for 2020

The start of the year is a great time to reflect on where you are, and what direction you want to take moving forwards. Whether you believe in making resolutions or not, I do think it’s helpful to have an idea of where you want to go. So, instead of resolutions, I’m choosing a few things to focus on this year.

1. Consistently going to class

I love class, and I’ve never regretted going. The difficulty is alway in the actual getting up and going to class. I’ve come up with a plan to make it easier to get to class (post coming soon), and these are very helpful, but I’m implementing a new rule: I will go no longer than 2 days without going to class. This week I already had missed Tuesday and Wednesday because class was cancelled and then I had tickets to a show. I went back to class on the Thursday, keeping with my 2-day rule.

2. Go see more shows

This is a little vague but essentially I want to see more ballet. This is a mix of on stage, festivals and in cinema. I’ll be looking ahead by a month or so at a time, so I can best plan what shows I can go see and where. I will be doing a small amount of travelling to go see shows and am hoping to go to New York City in the autumn. I’m really looking forward to this particular focus – It should be fun!

3. Focus on From The Audience

Finally, From The Audience is a focus for this year. This is a project that I’ve thought about and planned for so many years and I have a strong vision for where I think it can go. It is a really fun project to work on, and I’m so excited to produce and create more writing and images. I plan on posting here multiple times a week and increasing my activity on social media.

Here’s to another great year! What are you focusing on this year?

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